李诗洁 博士 教授级工程师
时间: 2023-06-12 作者: 浏览次数: 2170

李诗洁,19934月出生,中共党员,博士,教授级高级工程师主要从事食品安全检测技术和健康诊断技术等研究工作。近五年,先后主持国家自然科学基金青年科学项目、中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目、省部共建食品营养与安全国家重点实验室开放课题等多项研究项目获得全国博士后创新创业大赛金奖1项,全国博士后揭榜领题优秀方案评选银奖2项,天津市博士后揭榜领题赛金奖2项。以第一作者或通讯作者Biosensors and BioelectronicsSCI 1 TOP,IF=12.545), Food Chemistry(SCI 1 TOPIF=9.231)Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical(SCI 1 TOPIF=9.221) Nanophotonics((SCI 1 TOPIF=7.923)发表SCI论文10篇。



2011.09-2015.09, 天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院获学士学位

2015.09-2020.06, 天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院获博士学位









1. 食品中痕量污染物光热-荧光二维定量高灵敏免疫分析方法与机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(32102068)2022.01-2024.12,主持

2. 食品中痕量污染物多目标多维定量免疫快速分析体系研究,68批中国博士后科学基金面上资助(2020M680870)2020.11-2023.06,主持

3. 基于二维黑磷/金属异质结构和碳量子点的食品中痕量污染物荧光-光热二维定量高灵敏度检测体系的构建, 省部共建食品营养与安全国家重点实验室开放课题基金(SKLFNS-KF-202010)2020.10-2021.10,主持

4. 天津科技大学2018度优秀博士学位论文创新基金项目,天津科技大学(201803)2018.9-2020.6,主持

5. 主要食品全产业链品质质量控制关键技术开发研究,国家重点研发计划,2016.7-2020.12 参与

6. 基于聚酰胺-胺树状的增敏仿生及生物传感检测食品中黄曲霉毒素研究,天津市教委,2017.5-2020.4 参与

7. 基于主-辅模板协同分子拥挤效应的仿生功能材料的特异性识别与分离机理研究,国家自然基金,2019.7 在研 参与



1. Shijie Li, et al. A high-sensitivity thermal analysis immunochromatographic sensor based on Au nanoparticle-enhanced twodimensional black phosphorus photothermal -sensing materials, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2019,133, 223-229. (SCI 1 TOPIF=12.545)

2. Shijie Li, et al. Detection of β-lactoglobulin under different thermal-processing conditions by immunoassay based on nanobody and monoclonal antibody. Food Chemistry, 2023, 136337 (SCI 1 TOPIF=9.231).

3. Qing Wang#, Shijie Li#, et al. A highly sensitive photothermal immunochromatographic sensor for detection of aflatoxin B1 based on Cu2-xSe-Au nanoparticle. Food Chemistry, 2023, 401, 134065 (SCI 1 TOPIF=9.231) (共同一作)

4. Shijie Li, et al. Glutathione-Capped CdTe Quantum Dots Based Sensors for Detection of H2O2 and Enrofloxacin in Foods Samples, Foods, 2023, 12, 62. (SCI 2 区,IF=5.561)

5. Lu Zhao, Jianping Guo, Shijie Li *, Junping Wang *, The development of thermal immunosensing for the detection of food-borne pathogens E. coli O157:H7 based on the novel substoichiometric photothermal conversion materials MoO3-x NPs, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021, 344, 130306. (SCI 1 TOPIF=9.221)

6. Shijie Li, et al. Development of Non-Enzymatic and Photothermal Immuno-sensing Aassay for Detecting the Enrofloxacin in Animal Derived Food by Utilizing Black Phosphorus -Platinum Two-dimensional Nanomaterials. Food Chemistry, 2021, 357,129766 (SCI 1 TOPIF=9.231)

7. Shijie Li, et al. Black Phosphorus-Au Nanocomposite-based Fluorescence Immunochromatographic Sensor for High-Sensitive Detection of Zearalenone in Cereals. Nanophotonics, online (DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2019-0434). (SCI 1 TOPIF=7.923).

8. Shijie Li, et al. Three kinds of lateral flow immunochromatographic assays based on the use of nanoparticle labels for fluorometric determination of zearalenone. Microchimica Acta, 2018, 185(4), 238. (SCI 2 区,IF=6.408)

9. Shijie Li, et al. Fluorometric lateral flow immunochromatographic zearalenone assay by exploiting a quencher system composed of carbon dots and silver nanoparticles. Microchimica Acta, 2018, 185(8), 388. (SCI 2 区,IF=6.408)

10. Shijie Li, et al. Two fluorescence quenching immunochromatographic assays based on carbon dots and quantum dots as donor probes for the determination of enrofloxacin. Analytical Methods, 2019, 11, 2365-2504.(封面) (SCI 3 区,IF=3.532)

11. Wei Sheng#, Shijie Li#, et al. Visual and rapid lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for enrofloxacin using dyed polymer microspheres and quantum dotsMicrochimica Acta20171844313–4321. (SCI 2 区,IF=6.408) (共同一作)

12. Mingfei Pan#, Shijie Li#, et al. Development and Validation of a Reproducible and Label-Free Surface Plasmon Resonance Immunosensor for Enrofloxacin Detection in Animal-Derived FoodsSensors201717(9)1984. (SCI3 区,IF=3.576) (共同一作)

13. Shijie Li et al. Nanobody based Three in one immunosensors for the detection of β-lactoglobulin in processed milk, milkcontaining beverages and milk-free beverages. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. Revised.

14. 王俊平,李诗洁,王硕.一种检测小分子物质的黑磷-金纳米粒子复合物光热定量免疫层析试纸条及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号:CN201910243581.4 等。



1. 国博士后创新创业大赛金奖 (2021)

2. 全国博士后揭榜领题优秀方案评选银奖2022

3. 全国博士后揭榜领题优秀方案评选银奖2022

4. 天津市博士后揭榜领题赛金奖2022

5. 天津市博士后揭榜领题赛金奖2022

6. 全国创新创业优秀博士后(2021)

7. 博士研究生国家奖学金 (2019

8. 天津市王克昌奖学金2019) 等



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