工学博士,竞彩足球app-竞彩app-足球竞彩app 食品科学与工程系专任教师。
• 2020.9-2023.6 东北农业大学 食品科学 博士
• 2017.9-2020.6 东北农业大学 粮食油脂及植物蛋白 硕士
• 2013.9-2017.6 东北农业大学 食品质量与安全 学士
• 植物蛋白加工,植物蛋白结构与功能研究;
• 植物蛋白基的生物活性物质包封技术;
• 玉米醇溶蛋白基无麸质面团的研究。
江苏科技大学竞彩足球app 2023.6-至今
[1] Zhang A, Li X, Liu B, Yin Y, Zhang H, & Zhang Y. Comprehensive application possibility: Construction hydrophilic, amphiphilic and hydrophobic system of modified zein by enzymatic or cysteine modification. Food Hydrocolloids 135 (2023) 108159.
[2] Zhang A, Li X, Han Y, Liu B, Zhang H, Gao J, & Zhang Y. Improving interface properties of zein hydrolysis and its application in salad dressing through dispersion improvement assisted by potassium oleate aqueous solution. Food Hydrocolloids 130 (2022) 107719.
[3] Zhang A. He J, Wang Y, Zhang X, Piao Z, Xue Y, & Zhang Y. Whey protein isolate modified with sodium tripolyphosphate gel: A novel pH-sensitive system for controlled release of Lactobacillus plantarum. Food Hydrocolloids 120 (2021) 106924.
[4] Zhang A, Wang L, Song T, Yu H, Wang X, & Zhao X. Effects of high pressure homogenization on the structural and emulsifying properties of a vegetable protein: Cyperus esculentus L. LWT-Food Science and Technology 153 (2022) 112542.
[5] Zhang A, Chen S, Wang Yu, Wang X, Ku N, & Jiang L. Stability and in vitro digestion simulation of soy protein isolate-vitamin D3 nanocomposites. LWT-Food Science and Technology117 (2020) 108647.
[6]. Zhang A, Yu J, Wang G, Wang X, & Zhang L. Improving the emulsion freeze-thaw stability of soy protein hydrolysate-dextran conjugates. LWT-Food Science and Technology 116 (2019) 108506.
[7] Zhang A, Cui Q, Zhou M, Wang X, & Zhao X. Improving freeze-thaw stability of soy protein isolate-glucosamine emulsion by transglutaminase glycosylation. Food and Bioproducts Processing 128 (2021) 77-83.
[8] Zhang A, Cui Q, Yu Z, Wang X, & Zhao X. Effects of transglutaminase glycosylated soy protein isolate on its structure and interfacial properties. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 101 (2021) 5097-5105.
[9] Zhang A, Dong Y, Wang X, & Zhao X. Effect of the mass ratio of heat-treated whey protein isolate to anthocyanin on its composite properties. International Dairy Journal 122 (2021) 105158.
[10] Zhang A, Cui Q, Wang X, & Zhao X. Effect of temperature of pre-heated soy protein isolate on the structure and properties of soy protein isolate heated-vitamin D3 complex. Journal of Food Biochemistry (2021).
[11] Zhang A, Wang X, & Zhao X. Effect of Homogenizing Pressure on the Properties of Soy Protein Isolate-Vitamin D3 Nanoemulsion. Journal of Food Process Engineering 44 (2021).
[12] Zhang A, Chen S, Wang Y, Zhou G, Wang L, Wang X, & Xu N. Effect of different homogenization pressure on soy protein isolate-vitamin D3 complex. Process Biochemistry 87 (2019) 145-150.
[13] 张安琪, 王玉莹, 李瑞, 等. 超巴氏杀菌对牛乳酪蛋白微观结构及凝聚性质的影响. 食品科学 41 (2020) 106-110.
[14] 王喜波,张安琪. 王玉莹等. 巴氏杀菌和超巴氏杀菌对牛乳清蛋白结构及热稳定性的影响. 农业工程学报 35 (2019) 307-313.