刘青 博士
时间: 2023-04-12 作者: 浏览次数: 1073




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1. 粮油精深加工

2. GI食品开发

3. 食品组分相互作用研究



1. Liu, Q., Li, F., Lu, H., Li, M., Liu, J., Zhang, S., Sun, Q., & Xiong, L. (2018). Enhanced dispersion stability and heavy metal ion adsorption capability of oxidized starch nanoparticles. Food Chemistry, 242, 256-263. IF 5.399ESI高被引论文)

2. Liu, Q., Li, F., Ji, N., Dai, L., Xiong, L., & Sun, Q. (2021). Acetylated debranched starch micelles as a promising nanocarrier for curcumin. Food Hydrocolloids, 111, 106253. (一区,IF 11.504ESI高被引论文)

3. Liu, Q., Wang, Y., Yang, Y., Yu, X., Xu, L., Jiao, A., & Jin, Z. (2023). Structure, physicochemical properties and in vitro digestibility of extruded starch-lauric acid complexes with different amylose contents. Food Hydrocolloids, 136, 108239.(一区,IF 10.7)

4. Liu, Q., Shi, J., Jin, Z., & Jiao, A. (2023). Development and characterization of resistant starch produced by an extrusiondebranching strategy with a high starch concentration. Food Hydrocolloids, 136, 108276. (一区,IF 10.7

5. Liu, Q., Jiao, A., Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Li, J., Xu, E., Yang, G., & Jin, Z. (2021). The combined effects of extrusion and recrystallization treatments on the structural and physicochemical properties and digestibility of corn and potato starch. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 151, 112238. (一区,IF 6.056

6. Liu, Q., Wang, Y., Yang, Y., Bian, S., Zhou, X., Zhu, K., Xu, L., Jin, Z., & Jiao, A. (2022). Effects of extrusion and enzymatic debranching on the structural characteristics and digestibility of corn and potato starches. Food Bioscience, 47, 101679. IF 5.2

7. Liu, Q., Gao, L., Qin, Y., Ji, N., Dai, L., Xiong, L., & Sun, Q. (2023). Incorporation of oxidized debranched starch/chitosan nanoparticles for enhanced hydrophobicity of corn starch films. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 35, 101032. (一区,IF 8

8. Liu, Q., Ji, N., Xiong, L., & Sun, Q. (2020). Rapid gelling, self-healing, and fluorescence-responsive chitosan hydrogels formed by dynamic covalent crosslinking. Carbohydrate Polymers, 246, 116586. (一区,IF 9.381

9. Liu, Q., Cai, W., Zhen, T., Ji, N., Dai, L., Xiong, L., & Sun, Q. (2020). Preparation of debranched starch nanoparticles by ionic gelation for encapsulation of epigallocatechin gallate. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 161, 481-491. IF 6.953

10. Liu, Q., Li, M., Xiong, L., Qu, L., Bian, X., Sun, C., & Sun, Q. (2019). Characterization of Cationic Modified Debranched Starch and Formation of Complex Nanoparticles with kappa-Carrageenan and Low Methoxyl Pectin. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67(10), 2906-2915. (一区,IF 4.192

11. Liu, Q., Li, M., Xiong, L., Qiu, L., Bian, X., Sun, C., & Sun, Q. (2018). Oxidation modification of debranched starch for the preparation of starch nanoparticles with calcium ions. Food Hydrocolloids, 85, 86-92. IF 5.839

12. 采用离子凝胶法制备淀粉纳米颗粒的方法,CN201810715659.3(授权,2/8

13. 一种食用胶纳米颗粒的制备方法,CN201910091247.1(授权,2/8



1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“酶介导淀粉晶态及键型变化对其营养消化与加工应用特性平衡规律的影响研究”(32130084),参与。

2. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,“天然多糖纳米颗粒对淀粉酶活性的抑制作用及机理探究”(ZR2017MC044),参与。



1. 2022年获“Best Researcher Award”,International Research Awards on New Science InventionsNESIN Awards

2. 2022年获“Best Researcher Award”,International Young Scientist AwardsYoung Scientist Awards

3. 2020年获山东省优秀硕士学位论文。

4. 2017年获山东省优秀学士学位论文。

5. 2019年获山东省优秀毕业生。

6. 2017年获“萌番姬杯”第四届国际大学生农业创新创业大赛(中国赛区)“精英创业团队奖”(2/6)。